Restored is for you ...

  • to restore your body to moving with strength and flexibility
  • to feel confident in your body capabilities
  • to be able to workout anytime, anywhere
  • clear and concise instructions to gain maximum results
  • safe workouts for various injuries and conditions
  • workouts that can be done at home with no or little equipment
  • to pick the level and duration that works for you

Ready to be a founder member and ...

  • get an amazing introductory price
  • lock this price in for the lifetime of your membership
  • get a library that keeps on growing
  • gives you the tools to get out of pain and moving well
  • get content on any device at any time
  • exclusive member only content
  • all the content, all the time
I’m absolutely loving your Pilates classes, they are really challenging and have massively improved my flexibility and endurance.

 I haven’t had a single injury problem. This is incredible and really unusual for me as I’m a regular runner and injury has kind of been an occupational hazard. 
Dawn T.
I just wanted to let you know that after doing "strengthen your back" for 3 days in a row, my increasingly cranky back is no longer cranky! It was significantly better after day 1.

 Also the clunks in my groin/hip flex area, when doing the leg circles are much reduced.

Thank you!
Verity H
Since doing classes with you I have noticed significant changes in my flexibility and strength. Normally after doing heavy lifting, I feel stiff, have to rest and take pain killers. Not anymore! Learning how to come out of a bend has helped and I have had no shoulder pain and slept properly. I have only worked with you so all the credit is yours
Laurie S

Gaile Dean

Like many people I came to Pilates through having back pain . I was sceptical of how this system of exercise would help my problems but within a short space of time my back spasms became less and I grew fitter and stronger and for the first time in my life actually enjoyed exercise.

I loved it so much I gave up my career to train as a Pilates Instructor. I trained in London and New York and both classical and contemporary Pilates. As time went on, I realised that my education was missing some fundamental parts and I began a quest to learn more about how bodies work.

I discovered Katy Bowman's work and became a certified teacher of Restorative Exercise. I changed how and what I was teaching began to get the results I was looking for. People were making long lasting changes to their issues . Better still they were able to see their own imbalances and understand how to correct them.

Now I needed something people could access anytime to fix their own issues or just workout in an intelligent way. Restored was born! At 55 my body moves without aches and pains. I continue to see how much stronger and healthier I am using my own unique method of all the knowledge I have gained. My passion to educate people to be able to take care of themselves and to move well to improve their overall health never diminishes.

Ageing is an interesting process that gives me a constant challenge to learn how to get moving and stay moving regardless of what life throws at you. I hope I can inspire you to believe it is never too late to change anything in our endlessly adaptable bodies.